How can you tell if you need an AC tune up?
Generally, you need an AC tune-up once every year to keep your system running efficiently and effectively. If you have a service plan with your AC service provider, that tune up is most likely included in your plan. But, whether you have a service
plan or not, your AC system can often let you know that it’s time to get a tune up with some of the following signs:
- Temperatures are very different in different rooms – While some rooms may get more sun than others, if there’s a noticeable difference in temperature in rooms throughout your home, your AC system isn’t running effectively
and it’s time for a tune up to help you determine the reasons why.
- Strange or unusual sounds coming from the AC system – This could indicate a deeper problem but a tune up will help you determine what the issue may be and prevent any potentially more expensive repair problems before they happen.
- Warm – not cool – air is coming out of vents – A tune up will help discover some of the many reasons why this may happen, which is important as it means your system is not running efficiently and you’re wasting
- Vent airflow is weak -- If airflow from vents is not blowing normally, an air duct could be leaning or a filter may be clogged. Resolving these issues is usually a normal part of most AC tune ups.
- Humidity fluctuation and mold-type odors – This may indicate a leak, blockage or broken drain tube in your outdoor compressor. A tune up can prevent these problems before it makes your home unhealthy or requires more expensive

By scheduling a tune up the moment you notice one of these signs, you can count on your local home service experts to help resolve any issues before more expensive repair problems may occur. Our team are here for emergency repairs and service 24/7.
If you don’t have a service plan, please contact us today to choose which of our comprehensive services plans are best for you and your budget. All our plans include an annual AC tune up.